Broke down outside the gym today

I (21F) recently joined a gym nearby (3 days ago). I have no prior experience and really want to incorporate discipline and fitness into my life. It’s been horrifying so far. I don’t know how to use anything, and everybody looks at me struggle. I know most people would say no one cares but I promise you they do, they openly stare. I can’t really afford a personal trainer right now and the general trainer on ground acts like I’m asking him to teach me how to fly every single time I need help. Today he pointed at me and told a co-worker “that’s the girl who…”, rest was out of earshot. It was already a lot for me being amongst so many people and learning something new while I battled with social anxiety. That was the last straw and I got out of the gym immediately and burst into tears on the way home. I felt so small. Am I just stupid or being an inconvenience? I’m terrified of going back there.