Shallow central and right paracentral disc protrusion at the L5-S1 level, with slight loss of disc space height and signal

So, I finally got an MRI after 5 months of ongoing lower back pain. It began as a throb which turned into a sharp pain where I could not move. Following the worst of it, it then became a dull throbbing ache. I could not sit down for longer then 10 minutes at time.

Just as I thought the worst was over and I was on the road to recovery, I began to slowly introduce the gym back into my routine. A bit of treadmill running (liklely not good for back), some swimming and some compound lifting like bench, shoulders and leg press.

I dont know if its because I have not trained in a while but my lower back feels raw AF. I can barely bend my back, it just feels super tender and weak, like I have somehow twinge it again.

Does this thing ever get better? Perhaps I started gym too soon. I was going stir crazy not doing any excercise.

Also has anyone else had a similar diagnoses to the one in my the title and how did recovery look?