Workspaces or Workspaces Web?

Hi there.


My use case is the following: I'm traveling abroad and I'm planning on using it to access Facebook ads & business manager and various other SaaS products (G-Suite etc.) over the browser. So a browser is pretty much all that I need. From my understanding "Workspaces Web" would be sufficient in this case, right?


How does the performance compare to the classic "Workspaces" setup where you can choose the RAM and CPU yourself? Because honestly, for $7 per month I'm not expecting a very snappy experience. I couldn't find any specs for the "Workspaces Web" instances. How's your experience been with "Workspaces Web" if you have used it before?


If based on your experience the performance on "Workspaces Web" instances is generally pretty bad, what kind of specs would you recommend for a classic "Workspaces" setup for my specific use case (only using the browser to access certain websites and SaaS products)?

I'm pretty sure 8GB of RAM would be sufficient, but I'm wondering if upgrading to a 16GB RAM instance with 4 vCPUs instead of 2 would be worth the extra cost and make the overall experience noticeably "snappier".


Thank you :)


PS: In case you're wondering why I'm not simply deploying an instance and try it out for myself is because I've never set up anything on AWS before and it looks like there's a pretty steep learning curve. So I just want to make sure it will be worth my time to actually learn it. Or if I'm not better off trying something more "user-friendly" like Shadow PC.