Preparing your mix for release
Hi How do you guys go about getting the correct loudness for an online release? Used to be you just get a limiter and horrendously cut off anything over 0 db so then youd had the loudest sounding song and youd have won the game.
But these days lufs became the main measure of loudness, which i still dont fully understand and web services like youtube, spotify etc all became very picky about the loudness that an artist is trying to upload, meddling in your mix with their own ai and opinions on how it should sound, where you often end up with a penalty on your loudness because you were 0.1 lufs over their preferred standard.
What is the best approach to this? When i finish my mix and set it to lets say youtubes preferred lufs volume, my mix sounds super quiet. Ive tried many methods but still get penalized in the end and my music is never as loud as a major artists is.