Micro aggressions at the doctor

So I (19 m) went to the doctor today. I have a resident for my doc, he asked about doing some sti screenings and I said absolutely let's do it. Mind you, my sexual activity is not "super high", not something I'm upset about or have any issue with, but even when I'm not "sexually active" I get tested to have things current. His attending comes in and the first thing she decides to talk about is safe sex, cool, im down with it and express I literally never have unprotected sex. She keeps pushing the issue and I explain "hey, I work with queer youth and teach about safe sex, it's part of my job and I would not be willing to teach teens these safety principles without following them myself" she continues pushing the issue... after I've explained my safe sex practices (condoms and prep, regular testing, my sexual partners take prep ect. Ect.) I'm at a point where I know she does not talk about safe sex this way with her straight patients, and my resident doctor looks like he's about to chew his fingernails off and melt into the floor. After the 7th "well, given your history" (there is no previously mentioned sexual history on my chart, save sti screenings and a documented year and a half gap in sexual activity, only closed this month, with one partner, one time, hence getting tested) I got frustrated and explained "sti testing and safe sex is super important to me, not having access to that killed my community's elders and I have an uncle who's HIV positive, I do everything I can to be safe" with two big thumbs up. To which she basically said "well alright, I just know you're a busy... guy"

So like. Big point here is also that I'm chronically ill and that's why I had this appointment. Not really the sti screening part. It all felt like Micro aggressions, but I don't know if other people have experienced similar things. Yes, she may have just been concerned, but it really did feel weird and inappropriate for just. So many reasons.

Prefacing all of this: everyone interacts in different ways sexually, and having many partners or different choices of how to have sex does not make anyone wrong or bad. This is me saying the way I was treated was weird and felt ingenuine, I feel like no one, regardless of sexual habits, should be treated like this.