Bf slutshames me for wanting sex with him

So I am 36 dating my bf 28 since 9 months, we had a break up and decided to try again after what I thought was discussing and agreeing on the issues. However he never expresses that he wants sex with me, never flirts or makes me fill like he is sexually interested. Initially he calmed it’s because for start he had to be bottom and he didn’t enjoy , but now after my health issues are resolved I offered him to top. Yet that didn’t change anything. Moreover every time I talk about sex or wanting sex with him , he slut shames me and tells that it’s all I care for. I don’t know what to do, as it turns into argument every time. He was the one who asked to try again after break up, and I don’t understand why if he is not sexually attracted to me. He rejects it, but in practice I feel like I am the only one asking for intimacy and he blames me for putting pressure on him. We had one bj in weeks and nothing else, and when I brought it up, he got aggressive and told that all I care about is sex and that I diminish what we have. Weirdly enough, in the beginning he was telling me he has huge sex drive and hopes I am ready for it. I am fine if he is not sexually attracted to me, but then why come back? I am lost and I don’t know how else to talk to him. At this point I am thinking about breaking up with him again, but I am worried as last time he took it very harsh. Any advice?