What's your dream Do-All AR?

I've decided to thin out the heard. I've sold the varmint 223, the bullpup 223, the long range 223, etc. I'm looking to get the one that does it all. My top contenders are the DDM4V7 Pro, X2 Dev Group's Light Fighter, Radian, Noveske, and possibly BCM. The Light Fighter is currently my top contender if I can catch one of their 20% off sales. Light, accurate, and "future proof" as they say. Hit me with your thoughts an opinions! Pic is the last AR I'm hanging onto as I just love 300BLK

I've decided to thin out the heard. I've sold the varmint 223, the bullpup 223, the long range 223, etc. I'm looking to get the one that does it all. My top contenders are the DDM4V7 Pro, X2 Dev Group's Light Fighter, Radian, Noveske, and possibly BCM. The Light Fighter is currently my top contender if I can catch one of their 20% off sales. Light, accurate, and "future proof" as they say. Hit me with your thoughts an opinions! Pic is the last AR I'm hanging onto as I just love 300BLK