The way I just texted my male friend that I developed feelings for him and need distance is so Aquarius, I can’t🤣🤣 does this sound deadpan?

This is how I worded it (it is translation from my native language):

"i think i won't text you for a while because to be honest it’s become more emotional for me than I planned for and overall I feel a bit stupid in this situation, but i guess i brought it on myself. I’m letting you know to make it clear that everything is fine, and i just need time :)"

Idk how do you think is it hurtful or too cold in any way? I don’t want him to feel bad about the situation or doubt himself in any way. I tried to word it to be honest and at the same time not make it awkward. We both enjoyed the connection and chemistry, but we are both kinda unavailable right now due to several reasons. Oh Universe and my Aqua moon help me get detached now, I’ve been crying for an hour today and I hate this state of mind😭