Idk why people say Longswords are bad, they're crazy good if the opponent has literally no army (HOW TO SMASH NOOBS ON ISLAND MAPS!)

I played Vikings on Northern Isles at like 1050 ELO and went for a 5-knight drop in castle age. Predictably, the opponent had nothing and suffered a few deaths and a lot of idle time despite my lacking micro.

What if we tried longswords instead? I went into the scenario editor and made some tests against a fully-garrisoned TC with fletching. These are all with viking longswords (+20% hp) but 10% more units should more than compensate for that (more overcompensating the less deaths you have). Numbers depend a bit on luck as arrow dmg will sometimes be spread out when the units are clumped up, and I only tried these once or twice.

  • 20 FU longswords kill the TC with 1 death
  • 10 FU longswords kill the TC with 2-4 deaths
  • 8 FU longswords kill the TC with 7 deaths
  • 20 unupgraded longswords kill the TC with 8 deaths
  • 10 longswords with all upgrades except forging/etc and squires kill the TC with 1-4 deaths. Remove 1 armor upgrade and they do it with 8 deaths or lose.

After all these tests, I realized that on a water map, your opponent may have Bodkin even in early castle age (although maybe not since fire ships aren't affected - in this case probably not even Fletching). 10 FU longswords now took 6-9 deaths, 12 took 5 deaths, and 20 took 1-4. Also keep in mind that the vills might not be fully garrisoned by the time you get in range.

It's maybe not worth theorycrafting more than this for something that will only work in low ELO, but I can't help myself so let's compare some upgrades. TC does 4/5/6 dmg vs your base armor depending on upgrades. You do 7 dmg unupgraded. EHP = effective HP.

upg time cost effect
1st armor 40 sec 100 food +20/25/33.3% EHP
Gambesons 25 sec 100 food 100 gold +25/33.3/50% EHP
2nd armor 55 sec 200 food 100 gold +33.3/50/100% EHP
Arson 25 sec 150 food 50 gold +28.6% dmg (or 25% after 1st attack)
1st attack 50 sec 150 food +11.1% dmg (or 14.3% before Arson)
2nd attack 75 sec 220 food 120 gold +10% dmg
Supplies 25 sec 75 food 75 gold
MAA 40 sec 100 food 40 gold
Longswords 40 sec 150 food 65 gold
Squires 40 sec 100 food less time to react for opponent, chase vills etc
4 units after Supplies 84 sec 180 food 80 gold +40/26.7/20% dmg and hp if you have 10/15/20 units
Castle Age 160 sec
1 rax from 1 vill 50 sec 175 wood
1 rax from 4 vills 25 sec maybe 210-225 wood
Transport ship 46 sec 125 wood

I'd suggest something like this: 3-4 rax, Supplies, MAA, 1st armor and 2nd transport ship while going up, then immediately Longswords and Squires, then move out with 15-20 mans while getting Gambesons+Arson, and more BS upgrades as you can afford them (e.g. as you screw up your macro and have fat bank).