Am I wrong for using a pacifier?

I use a pacifier because I like to keep active with my body. If I’m not sucking or chewing on a pacifier I’m likely bitting my nails down the the nub or pulling my hair out. I don’t use the necklace chews cause I don’t like necklaces, they over stimulate me. It’s never been a problem, and I’d use it all the time when Im in the car or by myself.

Recently, my friends and family has been pulling away from me. Especially when I told them about it and asked if it okay to do it. I didn’t know why, so I asked and their answers shocked me. My family said that they didn’t support my “kink” and that I was disgusting for having something like that. My friends said that it’s weird for me to be into something like that.

When I tried to explain, they wouldn’t listen and kept insisting that I had a kink for littles/age play. When that’s just not the case. (Not kink shaming)

They all said that they wouldn’t want to be close to me anymore and that I was wrong for using a pacifier. Am I in the wrong??