Artists, actors, musicians and voice actors are part of the exploitative class.

What does it take to be an artist, actor, musician or voice actor?

1. Genetics: They don't let you get on camera if you're not good-looking. They prefer you to be tall as well.

2. Neurology: This grants you the ability to become a master artist, actor, musician or voice actor. You can't make yourself any smarter than your brain lets you.

3. Social Privilege: Your parents have to be so rich that not only could you go to college, you could major in the entertainment industry!

4. Luck: Nothing derailed your life to the point where you couldn't achieve your dreams.

What do artists, actors, musicians and voice actors do once they get famous?

1: They gatekeep. You're never joining them unless you were born talented, rich and privileged.

2: They exploit their client companies. Do you run a small business and need to hire them? They expect you to have the pocketbooks of a megacorporation.

This is why everyone else should support AI. It takes away from people who objectively didn't work hard to get where they are in life.