Dopamine Dressing has been a huge help !!
So I’m not sure if this is just another hyper fixation but if it is, it sure as hell has stuck around longer than the others! It’s helped me soooo much. Getting to mix and match different beautiful bright colors and patterns . It’s been so fun. It’s helped a lot with promoting a dopamine boost! When I seen other women doing this and I seen the colors it gave me this excitement. You know the usual boost we get but it’s stayed around longer! I’ve just started dressing like this. My outfits are pretty simple and basic compared to the other women I’ve seen but the colors have helped with my mood and energy. It’s not a fix all but it helps. Just wondering if y’all have tried this as well and if it has helped you ? I just painted my nails a bright neon green today. I wore a beautiful bright purple cardigan with hot pink pants! 🥰