Might have found the fix!!!
So here’s my story, November 2024 I had one of the most difficult times of my life without knowing what exactly it would be. It all started over a hungover early morning after drinking some coffee and a coke that turned into a acid reflux/anxiety attack (yes I made a huge mistake taking in so much caffeine and sugar at the same time rather than just take water to cure a hungover) nonetheless after that moment my life wasn’t the same and it was probably more assuming that anything that had sugar or caffeine would give me another episode. (And no I do not have high blood pressure , cholesterol, diabetes or etc) As days passed I began to not sleep well having to keep my wife up late not knowing what to do even after I stopped taking sugar , caffeine and changing my diet completely) i then decided to FINALLY go to the clinic , Long story short I was diagnosed with ACID REFLUX & ANXIETY… I then of course got prescribed with 20g of Omeprazole and Buspirone daily for 3 months. Did it help ? Absolutely, I felt a difference but not all goes away I had some good days and bad days but I did see a difference. A lot of things have changed such as my eating habits, not eating late , drinking to a minimum, 1 coffee a day , not so much sugar (which what triggers my acid reflux) I try to exercise at least 3 times a week, I drink ALOT of water , I take care of my body over all, take 7 different times of vitamins (that I can provide information about) I take a LIVE PROBIOTIC liquid supplement (that can also provide info on) keep in mind im only 30 years old. I then decided to seek for different way to help me with this issue. I came across a ACUPUNCTURE office and I decided to call and make an appointment.. today I can officially say I’ve been off Omeprazole and my anxiety medication for 3 days now and kept my diet and I FEEL GREAT !!! it’s been 8 weeks doing acupuncture and it has completely changed my life. (Do I get symptoms when I eat shitty or drink a lot) yes of course but the feeling of having to “live normal” has completely become a reality again.
After all this I came to a conclusion that all bodies changed after 30 and of course after giving our body a shit diet for over 20+ years there will be a day when the body will reject it.. my lifestyle is so much different now after this happened to me but being off medication is a HUGE improvement ! There’s hope out there guys , im not saying this will work for everyone but we all spend money on dumb things so why not invest money on health.
(If anyone is interested in vitamins , probiotic and diet I take I will gladly share it)