The Devil Inside (2000) Pc game
I'm looking for a game I played as a child called 'The Devil Inside', it's the type that came on CD and wasn't released on any gaming platform, I still have the CD but I no longer have a disk driver, I even I tried looking on the internet but almost all the isos were corrupt, and when they weren't, the game displayed a message that the CD was needed to run the game. The only version I can play was the one from "The Collection Chamber" website. They made a patch to run without the CD, the problem is that the game doesn't run at all at my screen resolution and only at 800x600 (no matter how much I try to change it). Would anyone have the file for this game with a patch to run without the CD and without this bug?
\"CD and magazine in Brazilian Portuguese version (Only the magazine and CD were in Portuguese).\"