Post Dark Tournament Yusuke annoying af

I've watched YuYuhakusho back when I was a little kid and only watched up to season 2 (dark tourna). I've recently began rewatching and been watching post tournament for the first time. I've noticed how fking annoying Yusuke is.

Humans with super powers are trying to kill you and everyone else and you there trying to throw punches and pulling a Naruto talk no jutsu? Are you fking serious? You have spirit gun and everything and you never fkin use it for god sake? Thank god mother fkin Kurama kills that little video game kid for being a beotch and Hihei for killing that dice finger dude. And Yusuke there saying Noooo dont kill them. LIKE STFU BRO DAM YOU ANNOYING AF

I know Kurama and Hihei are both demons but brah even Genkai is like yeah fk these ninjas lmao. This mother fker Yusuke might be the most annoying useless anime MC