You guys are the problem.
It's straightforward, really. I hate having to see you guys complain over and over on this subreddit and the discord about this game being terrible, not listening to players, and begging for things to be fixed and for things to be changed. yet nothing is done. Why? Because you still pay them. You bought premium account. You bought lootboxes and gold to get your newest Soon-To-Be Obsolete premium tank. Why even bother complaining about the problems when you're still funding them and giving them to opportunity to keep taking advantage of you as a player. you keep complaining and crying about every patch but instead you still choose to play the game that makes you want to punch your monitor. I really don't understand how Wargaming has kept you guys in this position, really. Either you Stop playing and dont fund them, and protest on the discords and other community websites or else, nothing is going to change.
They took away your Old tech tree tanks, and gave it back to you guys for gold and bonds. They removed the wtf e100 and gave it back to you guys, for 100,000 GOLD. and it sold out in 3 minutes. How is wargaming to blame? It's not their fault that you guys fall for their marketing schemes and tactics. The game is going downhill and you guys know it, but dont want to actually fight back against wargaming. Why? A company as greedy as wargaming Will not pay attention to the communities complaints until their pockets get hurt. No new maps, predatory business practices such as gambling, and more toxic premium tanks every update and removal of map variety which used graphics to distract you from noticing. (1.0) Why are you letting them get away with this?