Yep, this game hasn't changed.

I took a break from this game for a year or so because I got frustrated with a lot of things going on in the game. Played about 100 games recently and nope, still hate its current state. What's the point of armor if everyone just loads gold and goes straight through it anyways? Arty is still nerfed into oblivion and yet people still whine about it. In any tier 8 or higher game you've got tryhards who have their tanks fully maxed out with the expensive hard to get equipment, maxed or near maxed crews while you have to try to do anything with your stock ass tank. It just feels like bashing your head against a brick wall until you either reach the next tank or reach the point of being somewhat playable. I swear, you have to be brain-damaged to enjoy what the grinding experience is like in this game. No wonder there's such a lack of players in lower tiers that they have to implement bots to fill games, the experience for newer players or players trying to grind out a line is AWFUL. That's my rant. Enjoy your game!