How to eat healthier during a wedding day
What the title says, basically!
I try to have a decent, protein rich breakfast then a large snack before I leave the house (usually around 10am). I have nut bars and jerky with me to eat during the day, but by the time the food comes out I’m STARVING. I’ll grab some bread and cheese off the grazing platter to keep me going but the hunger is insane by dinner…and it’s not like wedding meals are planned to be nutrient dense and calorie light. Add in the couple insisting you have cake and I dread to think how many calories I consume in a day.
I should add that I’m breastfeeding and so my hunger levels are usually high!
I’m also usually a slow eater, but of course the vendor meals get served last so I shovel in what I can before the speeches start. I know you all know what I mean…
What do you do? It’s not like I can lug around a cooler with a salad in all day, right?! I’m trying to lose the baby weight but it’s not really going to work if I’m eating 10,000 calories every Saturday 🤪