How Redeemable/Civilizable Are Greenskins?
Say an extremely strange orc sprouted and he wanted to try to build an greenskin village/city/nation that could be at peace with its neighbors. Assume the orc can crack the heads of enough boyz to have enough clout to at least start this process.
What are the odds of this ever working?
My understanding is that it'd essentially be impossible -- if the orcs didn't get into at least semi-frequent fights they'd start infighting. And the neighbors would presumably be unwilling to try this, especially given how greenskins are literal sentient fungi who drop spores everywhere to spawn more.
So basically the warboss might be able to forcefully convince his new tribe to start doing this but it would inevitably fall apart, especially if the warboss wasn't around to keep order by knocking "sense" into the boyz.
Is that basically correct?