DE can we please increase enemy spawn rate in Netracells? Netracells are supposed to be "hard" right?
Seeing 6 Grineer Jade Eximus walk out a door and trundle towards a capture point that already has another half dozen coming from another direction in Belly of the Beast Interception reminds me of how hard Netracells are supposed to be... but aren't?
I'm a newer-ish player, around day 160. A couple months ago I read about Netracells and was intimidated. I invested in a build, practiced with it in various activities, girded my loins and finally launched one.
Turns out Netracells were pretty easy.
In fact, the hardest part about Netracells was... there sometimes aren't enough enemies to keep my abilities up! Which just made Netracells boring and annoying. If I get matched with a Sevagoth and a Xaku, I'm just running around trying to find some table scraps, some loose enemy that spawned in a weird place.
I often end up sitting just inside the objective bubble, aiming down a hallway, waiting for the door at the other end to open so I can kill whatever pokes its head through. Kill them, the door closes, and wait some more.
Can we please get more enemies? It would be so much more fun if the enemies spawned in faster. I'm not really worried about completing it faster, it's just more fun when it's more chaotic, challenging, and with less downtime between finding an enemy to fight.