AITAH for playing Banshee on Defense?

Hey Tenno, had a really weird interaction the other day and I'm curious on where the community's at on this stuff and whether I was in the wrong.

I queued up an invasion because I needed some fieldron. I figured "let's do it in pubs, just in case other people help speed things up." I picked my Banshee, who isn't endgame ready but can pretty easily handle a Phobos- or Europa-level defense invasion mission with Resonating Quake.

Several of the waves fly by, I'm chilling at the objective with one rando and a Gyre starts typing in chat: "Can't find any enemies."

I respond "Thanks, I'm trying my best."

This really pisses him off, he says "No, it's effing annoying. If you want to nuke go do ESO. Weirdo."

I didn't respond because I didn't think anything I could say at that point would be productive, but to my mind I was just doing the mission as efficiently as possible--I just wanted my fieldron! Should I have just AFK'd and let the other guys contribute more? What's the correct course of action here?

Tl;dr got called out for "nuking" in a defense mission because I wanted to get it over with