The Island has killed WWE video games.

I’ve played nba games since 2011 … I saw the evolution into the city and know exactly what this is. I’ve dreaded them adding it to wwe games, and now they have. CC not being cross platform a year after introducing it is just the start.

All this talk of “hardware limitations” … yeah BS. they just want console players to spend real money on useless stuff, which they lose at the end of the year and have to rebuy on next years game.

The Island is pointless and will be the sole cause of WWE video games being buried… but they’ll make the most money ever with 2k25 (thanks to those idiots who actually spend real money) and make a post about how successful and loved the island is (like nba every year) and thus the cycle begins.

If you’re getting it on console, don’t be stupid. Don’t spend real money on fake clothing items.