I hate this generation !

I hate being 19 in this horrible generation, there’s literally no joy in people anymore. For a while I thought I was the problem but you people have collective neurosis or something and it’s spreading . I’m so sick of the daily weird interactions I’m having at work and how life feels now around others. People are so crude and negative when life used to feel so easy. Now life is hard and maybe I’m just growing up but I’m also learning that this generation is ass . I wish I was born 70 years ago and I’m already some old lady in a house living my years off. I’m sorry for the negativity but why is everyone a sinner now ? I’m not even religious but why is killing and grand theft normalized all of the sudden? I swear people used to have common sense. Somehow we’ve progressed technologically but have not progressed as a society . I’m so scared of being a woman and I can’t imagine how other minority groups and people in vulnerable situations are feeling in this economy and day and age. Any thoughts?

Edit : I can’t keep up with the comments because they’re blowing up but i do agree that 70 years was overdramatic. The point I was trying to get across was that the world seems it is at a tipping point . If you deny that we have horrible issues and horrible violence on a daily basis then you are in denial. Maybe we have progressed in other ways but as a society and as a community I am being bashed in the comments for a mistake on a stupid Reddit post. I hope you people realize that I don’t want segregation or marital rape?! Cmon now … you’re just proving my point now. Not everything is that serious. My main point was to stop the hatred as a whole.