Dicor Lap Sealant

How long does it take for this sealant to cure and what does it feel like when it is cured? Unfortunately we had to apply it to our maxxair fan in 40 degree weather and it dropped to 10 degrees less than 16 hours after. Random cold front. The dicor feels squishy and I can still mold it to a different shape 6 days later. It was covered with a tarp and propped up so it wasn’t touching the dicor but now I’m worried it will have to be removed and placed again. We leave for CA from MO on Tuesday and will have 2 days of warm weather in the high 40s but then I’m worried about it not curing in time if I reapply. Can I apply more dicor ontop of squishy dicor? Or do I have to completely remove? Sorry lots of questions. Google is not helping.