Just take a loot at the video (read the description before)

Hello, VHS-Community

A lot of people have already at least 1 time heard about "Grave robing for morons" internet mystery (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AWFosb98Kec&pp=ygUXR3JhdmUgcm9iaW5nIGZvciBtb3JvbnM%3D)

So, i just watched the tape that i found by me in the collection - "What Customers say about Subway sandwiches in the U.K.". And approximately on the third minute of the tape there is these two guys, and i don't know, why i noticed it, but the guy on the right, who is talking to the cameraman, he is VERY similar to this guy from GRFM-video, especially from the way he moves his head, how his face look (its very similar). The way he talking is also a similar to the way that talking that man from the video

I watched the part of GRFM-video one more time, i watched a part of this tape a few times, and they are similar as f*ck

P.S. I understand, that our world is big and there can be different people that are similar to each other, it is completely normal, and maybe it is dumb me, but this guy has reminding me of that video from the first fucking second i saw him