Toxic Reyna

So, had a super frustrating game today. 11-11, close match, right? We had a Reyna who was already being toxic, calling us "ass" and stuff, even though she was only 3rd on the scoreboard she starts to lurk every round and just go for kills not the objective.

Then, she makes a bad play, doesn't cover Clove defusing, and Clove rightfully calls her out. That's when it gets bad. Every round after that, she starts actively sabotaging us. Grabs the spike, runs around, refuses to plant. Basically throwing the game.

Somehow, we still managed to drag it to 14-14, but couldn't hold on. Lost 14-16 because of her. Seriously, what's the point of playing if you're just going to grief? Reported, but man, that was tilting.

Anyone else deal with this kind of stuff?