What am I supposed to do? Failed uni
Hi. Feeling incredibly overwhelmed today. I knew this would happen but I tried anyway. I’ve always been bad at maths. ALWAYS. And it’s a long story but I thought it would be a good idea to do a Bsc in Physics and Astrophysics with a foundation year.
I passed my Foundation Year last year and moved onto First Year now. And already, I have failed two modules. I knew this was going to happen as I seeked advice from the Head of Department before moving to First year, as I struggled in Foundation. Yes… Technically I could resit the exams but it’s very VERY likely I would just fail again, as these module failures were significant and that’s not something I can just randomly improve to a pass in such a little amount of time- especially considering it’ll be for multiple modules if I fail more in semester 2 (Definitely will)
And the consideration here is, this is not the right course for me. I messed up and made the wrong choice. And I doubt I can switch either, as I previously did a Foundation Year Physics .. And I ALSO did another Foundation Year before that in Aviation Management so I’ve wasted 3 Years of Funding on essentially Nothing.
My background is that I had a delusional childhood dream of becoming a pilot ever since I was a little kid (Even though I’ve been blind in one eye since birth) I worked all my life to make this happen. Despite dropping out of school and having no GCSEs or A-Levels. I enrolled into College and collected some irrelevant UCAS points in subjects like Art, Photography and basic English and Maths. And after that, is when I did a Foundation year in Aviation Management and enrolled into Flight School alongside it. I did this for the entire year before swapping courses to Physics and Astrophysics for multiple reasons - I really disliked the staff in Aviation Management and I had a pilot scholarship worth over 30,000 , I made it to the interview stages and failed because I had little Physics and Maths skills- So I aimed to improve them by going into University for it.
Edit: I did not fail Aviation Management, I passed with very strong grades. I just swapped courses
Would’ve been a smart choice except. I partly failed my medical certification for Flight School. I can fly as a hobby but not as a career , which essentially made the reason I went into both Physics and Aviation Management completely useless. I feel so overwhelmed because everything I worked for is destroyed because of my eyes. And suggestions of things such as Flight Attendant, ATC is useless, I cannot do them either. Practically barred from this industry.
So not only is this course not for me, proven by my failures , but the entire reason I did it was destroyed. I should’ve known better, but unfortunately I’m just a stupid kid with a dream. I hoped I could make it happen. I’ve pretty much already decided I want to drop out of Physics, although I did enjoy it a little bit, I’ve always liked science but this simply isn’t for me.
I’m unsure on what to do now. I feel completely lost. I don’t think I would be able to switch courses as I’m pretty much out of funding from SFE. And working in Retail for eternity does not sound great at all. Even if I could switch courses. I would have no idea what? I feel as though I have to find a new passion from scratch.
I’m interested in hearing similar stories or advice… Thanks