ULPT request: how to get a bunch of degenerate ex-coworkers fired.
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If you weren't let go because of a failed drug test, then why?
\nInteresting. Where is the business located? And what field of work? For example, if it\u2019s a safety oriented business it may be enforceable.
\nBiomedical. Not sure if I should give a very specific location.
\nWell, state and ideally county mate\u2026. Otherwise advice you get will be piss disks.
\nNo, no that won\u2019t help. They could melt the piss disks and use them to pass a drug test.\u00a0
\nThe real ULPT is always in the comments.
\nDang that was a good one lol
\nOk fine, Connecticut US.
\nIf you can get in without being noticed, drop some drugs on company grounds and they might do company wide random testing.
\n\nEdit to add: Make sure you drop it where someone important will find it. Not just anyone. Be careful, and be discreet. \nDo NOT do this if a child or animal could get to it.
\n\nIf you can't get in, make an angry phone call and say that you saw some employees pulling out of the parking lot, and the driver was distracted by a crack pipe and almost hit you and your kids. And you'll be making a police report. They might want to do drug testing to cover their ass. You might have to give them a description of the vehicle, if you don't know that, do some better detective work then come back.
\nThe advice I can give here is to mind your business and not be a rat.
\nI may not be ethical but I can\u2019t support rat behavior. Fuck em over another way. Get their info and sign em up to receive info from the Klan or something that\u2019ll fuck with future background checks.
\nTake up falcon-erring or start a roadkill based business, something like that will help you befriend RFK. One day when you two are hanging out with your shirts off you could confide in him that this place you used to work is handing out vaccines like candy. He\u2019ll probably do something more crazy than anyone here can imagine.
\nAlso you seem kind of petty. I\u2019m know the point of this subreddit but have you considered that you were the actual problem?
\nIs it a job where routine drug testing is mandatory? If not, it's really up to them if they want to test for drugs. On a personal note, I support recreational substance use and think you're a terrible person
\nI support it too. I also support people who wrong me getting fucked.
\nThis is for unethical life pro tips, not to preach your brand of ethics. Please try again.
\nWell, in this particular case, op is trying to do an ethical thing so I'm against it.
\nNo, the ethical thing would have been to report the drug use right away instead of as a retaliatory measure.
\nI assure you it is purely out of spite, I don\u2019t care about the safety aspect.
\nYou\u2019re an at will employee. They can let you go with a drug test or not.
\n\nUnless your civil rights were violated, you don\u2019t have a let to stand on.