What is the most insane thing that you have ever seen someone do while in the USMC?

So I had one buddy who was a bit of a wild card. He would also get super drunk and do crazy shit. He was also super hot headed(which was funny cause he was like 5”2). Dude always wanted to fight and drink. Hated the corps. One day he decideds to drive home and rob a fucking drug store. Yup at gun point and everything. I even have a pic of his fucking arrest. he goes to jail of course. Is gone for a few months, then comes back. Apparently the USMC and his state were fighting over who was gonna hold him. So anyways he gets NJPed to PFC. After being back for a month I see him post on snap chat in hand cuffs at medical. So this dude was caught high on cocaine. He then got into a fist fight with his sgt, and won(which is insane cause his Sgt was like 5”9). After that he went to the brig. One year later while I’m on duty, I hear about some dude coming back from the brig. I see my boy walk in looking all depressed and shit. I talk to him for a while and he just tells me how miserable the brig was(and how it was like 90% child predators in there). The OOD then whispers to me “he probably had his booty taken”. He seemed like a completely different person. now days I see him on snap chat posting the most moto shit about the corps. He even got an EGA tat and everything(which is hilarious since he hated the corps and got a bad conduct).