What do y'all think about the ZA haters?
personally I'm excited for the game but theres a lot of people online spamming the same negative comments which is kinda ruining it for me. you don't have to listen to this rant but i juast want to know this community's opinion
firstly, we're not allowed to be excited for a game now? the game looks very good to me and all these haters saying "oh why are there 2 johto starters" "i dont like the graphics" etc are just ruining it because thats what pokemon "fans" do. like get over it. If you're so mad then fine maybe the game is not for you. no one is forcing you to buy it.
secondly, Gamefreak is not lazy and let me explain. The problem is not effort, the switch can only handle so much detail otherwise it will lag, etc. Thats what happened in sv and you were mad because of that. now you're mad because they're fixing it. Seems like you are mad no matter what. yes, of course there are things they need to improve on but the games are far from "shitty". especially with the characters, story, etc.
And by the way you haven't even seen half the game yet so how can you judge it so early? It might be that you don't care for pokemon at all and just love to criticise it, but if all these haters actually gave it a chance you might actually enjoy it, like I am certainly going to and probably ttar is as well
if you want examples of these "comments" i will give them and sorry if this is inappropriate