Dumped over cold sores

I (30F) went on an amazing date with a guy (28M) about a month ago. We had previously talked about how we value hygiene and showering/washing hands often so I knew germs were a big deal to him. We were flirting and I leaned in and kissed him. After the kiss, he said, “When was the last time you had been tested for STDS? I normally ask before the first kiss.” I paused for a long second because I felt bad that I kissed him before he was comfortable and then thought about how I had been exposed to covid 9 days before and worried about exposing him. He commented about the long pause. I told him about the covid exposure. He chuckled and said that was fine and no big deal. I told him I had actual been tested for STDs within the past week at my last doctors appointment and everything came back negative. He said he had been tested recently too and everything was negative for him too. We ended the night with a passionate kiss. He told me he was super interested in me and then went out of town for the holidays. We were planning on meeting when he got back after the new year.

Three weeks after our date, I got a cold sore. I haven’t had one in years. I genuinely thought they were no big deal because I just thought you don’t kiss or share drinks during an outbreak and that’s it. Especially since most people like 50%-90% of the population have it and 80% are asymptomatic. But I saw on Reddit that people were saying you should disclose that you have hsv-1. So I texted him and told him.

He replied, “uh yeah that would have been good to know. I got a weird rash on my arm and didn’t know where it came from.” It totally caught me off guard. I replied about never hearing about hsv1 being on an arm and that I did not have an outbreak when we kissed. I also apologized if I made him feel betrayed or scared. He hasn’t replied. He ghosted me.

What shocked me the most is that he is a dentist so he must have extensive knowledge about hsv1 and I expected him to maybe have a conversation with me about it instead of blaming me for a rash. If he doesn’t want to date someone with hsv1 that’s totally within his right but more than likely he’s already been with someone that’s had it. He could have gotten it a long time ago and doesn’t know. He didn’t need to make me feel like a leper for a rash on his arm when he wore a long sleeve sweater on our date and I never touched his arm. I just feel so hurt that I tried to be upfront and honest but I was dumped without a second thought over cold sores.