Does Twitch really punish toxic off-stream behavior?

First of all,I’m not the streamer. The guy in question used to be a friend, but we had a verbal fight after I denied a few of his advances. The dude then went insane and began harassing me ingame (we used to play an online game together) and on a few social media, Twitch included. I have several screenshots of him calling me slurs through his multiple game accounts, and even through PMs on twitch, whatsapp and youtube. I also have evidence of him sexually harassing me and making remarks about my body (he even went as far as sharing an intimate picture of one of his female friends and saying it was me). Usually I’d let this go, but his friends (which are also his viewers) have found me in another game and began harassing me again. Keep in mind that he has 8k followers and usually reaches 200~300 viewers. So I left that game too. I reported this guy once, nothing happened. So I did it again and this time I sent 10+ screenshots of him and his friends harassing me. Will twitch do anything at all now that I have sent pictures? I read all the FaQ about offstream behavior, but they did nothing the first time I reported him… As I said, the guy had multiple accounts (around 7 or more) and he would use each and every one of them to harass me.. So I sent screenshots of all his accounts.. Does it lower the credibility of my report? Also.. If he does get punished, will he be able to create a new twitch account? I’m quite sad, cause I had to change my IGN which I had since I was 11yo and I can’t really join any public discord, because they know my voice and my face (that mf published my cel number and my whatsapp/facebook profile picture)..

EDIT: I received an email from twitch earlier today redirecting me back to their FAQ and basically saying they can’t do anything about it unless the guy in question shows danger to himself or others, shows/has acts of ter***ism, or leaks my private address during his stream. So, I guess I’ll go through the legal route and report him to the police. Thank you all for your kind words and advices!