I can't wait for our dog to die

I know I'm a terrible person for this, believe me, I know. The guilt over how I feel is overwhelming at times because I know how much my husband loves puppers.

I've never been a dog person. I don't like them, and of course that makes me a magnet for them. Big dogs, small dogs, floofy ones, super friendly ones, it doesn't matter, I don't like them... so naturally, we have a dog.

We have a dog because my husband has always one, and I agreed with the understanding that it's HIS dog and I have no responsibility whatsoever to her care. Granted, this is the best dog we could possibly have as she's just as lazy as we are.

Things started well when we adopted her in 2015. My husband took care of everything & any time he was out of town, had her stay with friends or at the puppy hotel... untill the 1st time he "forgot" to set something up for his annual guys trip and it was too late to fix it. It's now fallen to me for the last 6 years because "why should she have to leave the house just because I'm away?"

The resentment I now have for the whole situation is only growing with upcoming trips & knowing that I'll be stuck with caretaking yet again - and for who knows how many more years. I also don't feel like I can tell my husband how I truly feel because it would hurt him so much to know how much I completely and utterly despise the situation he's put me in. I've made it clear that there will be NO more dogs after this and I'll divorce his ass if he tries to bring another one home, so for now, I'll grin and bear it, and as she's 13-ish years old, just keep hoping that this won't be for too much longer.

ETA: for those who are assuming the worst (because hey, this IS Reddit after all), the dog is well taken care of by both of us. She's on a special diet & gets 2 meals plus 3 snacks every day, at least 4 daily walks around the neighbourhood, and has the horribly rough life of waking up from her bed in our bedroom and having to travel to any of her other 4 beds in the house. She also has any number of stuffed toys for her to evicerate to get at the squeaker along with 4 different kinds of treats. While I may not enjoy or even remotely like it, I will always make sure she has anything and everything she may want or need.