I walked in on my daughter being mistreated at her daycare

i (22m) have been leaving my daughter (1f) at a daycare for a few months now. i'm busy with school/ work a lot, and plus my relationship with my girlfriend (26f) hasn't been in the best spot, so we've resorted to leaving her at her daycare for much of the week. prior to what just happened i always thought that she was being taken care of nicely. her caregivers would say she's doing great, they loved her, etc. ofc i'll always worry about her but considering what some of the older parents who's kids go to the daycare told me + what i was hearing, i felt safe leaving my daughter there.

a few days ago i arrived to pick her up a bit early. when i saw her she was crying and screaming in the timeout corner. i signed her out so i could get her, and when i was doing so one of the caregivers shushed at her to stop. not like a "nice" shush but a demeaning one. then another caretaker proceeded to pick up my daughter, in a really aggressive manner, like she did it way too fast, and dropped her with the rest of the kids. Like dropped her like a toy, not a baby. i was now going to pick her up when the director went up to me to explain what was going on. he told me my daughter was making a mess with the other kids, and that she wasn't listening to instructions. they said that was her first time in timeout so she was just shocked, and for me to not worry. after that i just said sorry for my daughter's behavior and took her away.

I haven't took my daughter to the daycare since, although I know I'm going to eventually have to leave her there. But now I don't trust any of the people there with my daughter now. They'll always say the nicest stuff about her, and now when I actually get a look on how they treat her, i see that they rreat her horribly. I'm scared if I report the caregivers they might begin to treat my kid even more harshly then i already saw them do. But at the same time, if i dont do something i know my baby's development could be hurt. When i saw her being mistreated by them she seemed so sad.

when i told my girlfriend about it she's worried of course but she doesn't seem like she cares that much, atleast as much as i think she would be. i'm willing to do something with or without her help but i feel like she should be the one who cares the most. it seems like she's putting all of the situation on me even though (i dont wanna sound like im complaining) i'm more busy than her with school and everything.