Jesus is clear, you looking at porn is adultery, stop justifying it and repent to your Lord

I am livid on behalf of every woman on this sub. I am a man, I am married.

Here's what Jesus says, "But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

It's not Satan, it's not childhood trauma, it's not normal. You are living in Babylon and going along with the cultural norms of adultery (61% of pastors use porn regularly, 91% of men in the US do as well)

It's time to wake up to your sin, stop blaming your gender, and turn to Christ and experience freedom.

How dare you all pray for revival while justifying adultery.

The Holy Spirit of God allows you to fight and kill your sin, so in the words of John Owen...

"Be killing sin or sin will be killing you."

PS EDIT: Here is my advice to any and all women (or men) who has discoverd their spouse's infidelity, copied from the other post. I am PRO restoration and recocilition, since our God brought about reconciliation to us...

"He needs to download Covenant Eyes. If he isn't willing to swap smartphones too Android to use it, He's ignoring Jesus saying it's better to pluck out his own eye...

Do not let him make excuses for his sexual infidelity, I think you both need to go to your pastor.

This book is fantastic to read as you figure out what healing looks like. What Makes Love Last by Dr. John Gottman

Do not accept anything less than future marital faithfulness. 61% of "pastors" in the US are hooked on porn, 91% of American men look at porn regularly.

It is not your fault, he is not an addict, and this issue is not a married couple reenacting the gospel in their marriage.

I am sincerely hoping he can own it and you can heal together, our God is in the business of restoring relationships.

Ignore every man here on reddit who has a guilty conscience and are using your pain to justify their sin."