Christians need to take mental health more seriously

I am deeply saddened that some people on this sub do not believe in mental health. I frequently see people post about how they're struggling with a considerably debilitating and serious psychological disorder. Sometimes, far too many people, against better wisdom, judgment, discernment, and common sense, say that it is demonic, which may or may not be the case. Spiritual warfare is very real. We cannot ignore it. Some people can take all the medicine in the world and never be free, and then they find that it's a spiritual issue and that finding Jesus healed them, which is a beautiful testament to His mercy and love. But other times, He will work through doctors and specialists to heal.

There are valid naturalistic reasons as to why one is afflicted with psychological disorders and to deny it is dangerous, irresponsible, and rooted in superstition. I firmly reject that we can be possessed and then develop a psychological disorder. The Holy Spirit dwells within us when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. There is no excuse to not try to be well informed on mental health from a Christian standpoint and from a scientific standpoint. God has given us the capacity to understand how the brain works and develop many life saving treatments. Perhaps one needs treatment for a season, or for the rest of ones life.

There are oftentimes two myths concerning mental health from a Christian viewpoint:

  1. That it stems from a deficiency of faith. We can do everything right: prayer unceasing, go to church every Sunday and be at the front, singing praises to our God, reading verses in the Bible that focus on not worrying. The Bible mentions it 365 times. We ran read all of those. And yet, still feel crushing anxiety, depression, or be afflicted with something more serious, such as schizophrenia, bipolar, or psychosis. Many prophets of the bible, such as Elijah and Jeremiah, at one point went from standing up to false prophets, to falling into despair and wanting to die. The same can and will happen to us.

  2. Seeking professional help is not weakness. It is wisdom to acknowledge that we need help. Taking medication is not a sin. What is the greater sin? Being in therapy and taking medication for depression/anxiety etc to improve ones quality of life? Or giving into depression/anxiety/insert psychological disorder and taking your life? God cares about your mental health alongside your physical health, as our bodies, including our minds are temples to the Lord. Jesus himself sent people to be checked out by physicians of the time. He also cast out demons. It was a case by case basis.

It breaks my heart when I read posts about people suffering considerably in a psychological sense and I want them all to have a fair and valid chance of seeking medical intervention if needed. This modern world is more detrimental to ones mental health than any point of history and we need to do our best to navigate it and guide others.

We are free to debate and hold opinions and beliefs, but some are genuinely dangerous.