Oldschool elitism vs modern toxic positivity
Naturally I think almost everybody leans towards the latter on here because honestly seen some incomprehensibly mediocre stuff shared and I think this must have hit perfectly the night before in sync with someones pills or they decided to make a post so they just closed their eyes and clicked on a track off Acidalia's youtube at random.
Then you see them gas it up like it's a 9/10 and you listen to it once (at home) and you think well, glad that's over no need to listen to this ever again.
Slogging through mediocrity is honestly part of this whole thing but I've noticed (over a long span of time from lurking) if someone tries to go nah its nothing special they'll get 90% of the comments in the thread trying to attack them for having a discussion. The only exception is if it's against the devilish trio of fred again, jamie xx and james blake who can be bravely shit on with impunity for their crimes against the scene. if your release is some bland shite but you're within the approved range of RA appearances it's 8/10 at the minimum.
Thoughts? hurting or helping? art or who fucking cares just get gacked and dance to it?
also I understand this is a big and eclectic melting pot so lots of stuff is always going to not hit for everybody just a spur of the moment thought after reading here and a few other places for years, just trying to spark some discussion and get some other perspectives