Mustaches are making a comeback and it's terrible
Pretty much what the title says. I'm not talking about a mustache in conjunction with a full beard. I mean the Tom Selleck/Ned Flanders/I'm an off-duty cop mustache. It's been out of style since the early 1990s and I really thought we had come to our senses and were completely done with this awful look. But no. Gen Z can grow them now, and they seem to like the idea. I guess I just fully turned the "you damn kids look ridiculous with your styles" corner, just like I always swore I never would... But I never would have guessed mustaches would be on the table. F that noise. They look awful.
ETA: Clearly I underestimated just how much mustaches were back, and just how unpopular this sentiment is. I lay dead on my hill with zero regrets. Every single one of you that defended the 'stache has trash taste. F all of you. 🖕