I’m sick

Finals r very near + I’m sick and my cheeks (cheekbones) won’t stop hurting when I lay down my pillow, I still haven’t gotten my period (late again(it comes every two months because I had en ed 🥰), I assume it’s next freaking week!!!!!!!!!!.!.!.!!.!.!. and on top of that , if that’s not any worse, I’m bedrotting and haven’t showered in a week. Yeah, gross right? My mom didn’t get me to therapy (didn’t pay me to therapy for a whole month and a half) anddd I’m losing hope in everything. I wanna scream scream scream scream scream scream scream scream scream and put all my anger out on something I literally feel so disgusted off myself I need to shower but I can’t because my mother doesn’t wanna deal with my hair idk what to do do dodododoooodododo