What's the most embarrassing incident of yours?

I'll start with mine. I being M and her V. So, there's a girl, V, i liked way back since 2nd class and in 7th std we left the school and parted ways... But, then during my 10th std she added and texted me first on snap-insta and then we kept on chatting, even during our boards. ff to after boards... one day I randomly confessed her that I liked her since blah blah blah and have been waiting for her to get into a relationship and proposed her... she was so humble to deny the proposal in a kind manner by saying i deserve better 😭 me being the f stupid guy told her i didn't want better i just wanted her πŸŽ€πŸ˜„and the next shitt i was into was that yk i won't love any other girl after you, would stay single forever if not you... she being the best one could ever be went on explaining me that's not how it works, you'll be okay...just let your heart free...! And since then we parted ways as i proposed her back on valentines day in 11th std and said sorry to her in 12th std. Today, i realise how well she did handle the situation and made way out for these sudden emotional behavoural issues... i feel so embarrased about this shittt that happened to me. Even today i regret doing this to her. It's my FY in college currently. Since then, I've been single only and focused enough on my maturity. I even wrote some poems for her βœ¨οΈπŸ’–... Hey V, if you're here on reddit and reading this... M is fine now and has matured enough! ☺ Btw, i love your playlists on Spotify, especially Aditya Rikhari songs! 🎡 What was your most embarrassing situation? Plz upvote this so it can reach max. people.