Teachers who were bullied when they were in school, does this affect you as a teacher?
I was severely bullied elementary through high school. It has continued to affect me in all areas of my life, though I have done a lot of work on myself. I have anxiety (semi-under control), depression (under control) and my last therapist confirmed ptsd from the bullying. It's my 22nd year teaching, and of course it has its ups and down like everyone. I do notice I am sensitive and reactive, esp with the older students (I teach up to 5th). I often take normal fooling around/laughing/looks personally as disrespect. I work on this, but I know it's after effects from being bullied and made fun of all my young life. Wonder if anyone else has gone through this. I have a ways left to go before I can retire and want to self improve more- and commiseration always validating!