Sunday Castorice situation worrries
Before I talk I want to say this is NOT a doompost at all, I pulled Sunday, I love using him, he is great unit who absolutely does work well with Castorice and this post is not at all meant to imply that they don't work together.
I think the concerning thing though is that Tribbie works BETTER. I think it's concerning how Sunday was clearly designed to be a memosprite support niche, yet the best memosprite dps (Which she is most likely going to be as an anniversary unit and just from leaker yap) is purposely designed to work best, not with the support SPECIFICALLY made for her niche, but the newest shiny hp scaling support that they want to sell. I just think it sets a bad precedent that only 2 versions after his release he is already being "overshadowed" in niche that SHOULD be his by the newest, shiniest, more general support.
Like just imagine Robin being THE follow up attack support, but then feixiao being designed to synergize with a different harmony unit better.
Again I'm not at all saying that they don't work well together or that Sunday is just gonna fall off or anything like that. I just think this sets a bad outlook for the future of supports in hsr. Feel free to disagree and lmk your thoughts.