Update to the teacher yelling at me yesterday
Hi everyone! Thank you again for all of the kind words and support that you have provided for me, this is a small update.
I sat down with the principal and vice principal today to discuss everything that happened yesterday with the lounge. I did get them to confirm that it is okay that I use it and they both said yes.
They didn’t give me many details but said that the teacher has been reprimanded (gave me no information on what exactly that means). I did receive an apology email from the teacher but to me it sounds generic and almost like AI wrote it so I am not holding my breath for an actual apology. I also did make a report to my supervisor like many of you suggested. I didn’t want to “stir the pot” as some people have suggested but I really believe that if she is willing to treat me that way then she shouldn’t be working with kids because who knows how she is with them.
Unfortunately, word spread amongst a few of the other teachers in the building (I swear the teachers gossip worse than the students) so it was kind of a weird day for me. I kept my head high and just told anyone who asked that it wasn’t important. I do not want to spread this even further. Hopefully things will improve soon and everyone will forget about it.
Today was my last assignment at that school that I have scheduled and I am considering taking a break from there for a little while, even if it is my favorite.
Thank you again for your support and kind words. If you didn’t see my previous post and want to I can link it below.