Looking for recommendations/advice for attending a show in Europe

Hello all. I'm considering taking advantage of airline/hotel points to splurge for a trip to see Sturgill in the UK/Europe. I don't know the venues or the music scenes so I'm curious to know if there are particular places that might be particularly recommended to see a show. For instance, I'd rather see a show at a place that has standing room rather than all assigned seating. I know several shows are already sold out but I'd appreciate hearing about recommendations nonetheless. Thanks in advance for the help.


Sincere thanks for the advice. Based on 1) work constraints (biggest factor), 2) not wanting to wait too long! and 3) getting to see two shows for the ridiculous amount of travel - I'm going with Belfast & Dublin. Stoked.

I've managed to cover flights and hotels with points. I have tickets for the Belfast show but still working on Dublin. Working with someone on the forum here for the Dublin tickets but transfer of Ticketmaster tickets is ridiculously complicated and hasn't worked so far. I welcome advice on the transfer or other ticket sources.

Lastly, Paris sounds amazing. I may try to make that too. This is the stuff that makes the work travel I do worth it.