Building AI college matchmaker in India @fliqapp
Hi l'm simone, a bathroom singer, THE biggest Twitter hater, and a 2x founder. A small story worth sharing - before getting into my current uni in the UK I spent 5L/month on college counselling because I did not know another way to go abroad.
My CBSE school did not give me any resources nor help to apply abroad - it was only about scoring good grades 😖
We're building Fliq - an Al college matchmaker that gamifies the process of finding colleges. We use real time crowdsourced data and give you hyper personalised resources - based on preferences like budget, country, graduate roles and more, users get to chat with students already in their dream schools and more. Goal is to replace college counsellors FULLY :)
Love to hear your thoughts & get you to follow us on socials to see what we're cooking @fliqapp