I've done every companion's story quest and here's what i feel about them and their writing

I actually don't mind the way they are written and presented, somehow, and that means something considering I've played the mass effect trilogy and cyberpunk 2077, two games that have the best written sidekicks according to gamers all around. I thought that these characters would be cardboard cutouts like how the folks say but no, i found out that each have their own characters that are represented way more than people pictured them out to be.

Sarah is a disciplined ex UC navy dealing with survivor's guilt and the heavy burden of being constellation's leader, Sam Coe is a family oriented space explorer and a single father that has to constantly deal with familial issues and his legacy of being a Coe, Andreja is an ex House Va'ruun spy who was given a second chance by Sarah by being part of Constellation and is now struggling to accept her place in her new home, and Amundsen Barrett is a witty, space faring pilot, who is having a hard time moving on from his husband's death while also having a hard time staying out of trouble in space. They all came from different backgrounds, have different motives for joining Constellation, and they have different characters. The only thing that's absolutely the same about them are their goals which is why most of the time we do not see any sort of friction in between them, which to me is probably the most normal thing to have because they're a team. If they have different goals, they wouldn't have joined Constellation in the first place, and to me that's alright. You don't need to have a band of unlikely allies joining forces to save the world from evil like in mass effect. You don't need to unite enemies into one team only to force drama.

They do show friction when it comes to your decisions in game. First time they ever showed opposition is when I chose to implement the Aceles rather than the microbe to eradicate the terrormorph epidemic which to me comes at a surprise considering they've been a fairly safe and moderate group. This means that they are more "ambitious" than your average science group but still have boundaries when it comes to other matters, especially when it comes to humanity. This already shows that they are more than just monolithic yes men.

All of this combined has made me satisfied with the writing of this game. Trust me, I've seen way worse writing than this. Here are other takeaways that I get from this:

  • One thing that i think that people do not like from these characters is how they act. They act too normal and vanilla. They do not represent their characters because of their realistically toned conversations and mannerisms. The only way i think that could fix this is if they play more into their character, perhaps act more as a caricaturized version of themselves, therefore they wouldn't seem as boring.
  • Another thing that I think people might think boring is their background stories and questlines. I do admit that they aren't as flashy as our companions in mass effect or cyberpunk 2077, but i think they did a pretty good job at doing so nonetheless. Sometimes, to show the exceptional, you have to have normality, and to me that's okay, especially in this game where the theme is mostly "daily life in space".
  • Emil's writing is not bad, at least it's not as bad to warrant heavy dislike from the community as if he's ruined something sacred. Although I do admit that this style of writing might not hold well in modern times where everything is flashy, gritty, abnormal, where if you want to accentuate a point, you show it in the most dramatic way possible. It fits way more in the past where things are more normal, more subtle, more background info. Seriously, why do people dog on that man so much?
    • I've seen other bland writing that somehow people are okay with. For instance, I am not a huge fan of Outer World's story and their companions, while more flashy and wacky than Starfield's, is not memorable at all. No Man's Sky story is basically non-existent, filled with too many philosohpical lingo that's more filler than substance.

Here are my thoughts and I must say, I am nervous to face what's to come, but all in all, I'm enjoying my time so far following the story in this game, contrary to popular belief.