Are people worried about Spider-Man 3?

I am a bit worried, there is still room to improve, expand the traversal and combat system even more, improve the execution and functionality of mechanics that are already implemented.

Include all suits from previous games even if both spider-men won't have the same amount of suits.

Bring back all gadgets from the first game, rework the gadgets from MM and bring back the gadgets from SM2, so we can choose which 4 we want to use during combat.

Improve the crime system with more variety and not just "fight enemies" and "pursue car".

Include the rest of the most popular villains like for example Carnage into the story, and you know... have a good and well executed story to tie everything together well.

And listen to community feedback and requests to have a list of things that could go well as new features in the third game and things to improve upon.

And certainly other things people had a problem with and wished to see done better.

Spider-Man 3 will probably be the last game (maybe I'm wrong, hopefully) so after it comes out, there won't be a next game on which they could improve things and fix not well-executed things so it works better, that's why I'm a bit worried.

I remember hearing about the possibility of a spin-off game focused on Silk just like Miles got his own game so that could be a nice way to get more community feedback on what they're doing well if that happens.