Super Counters as they are are Good.
TL;DR: We need Rollback, not to reverse the Super Counter change. Please move the conversation over to rollback as opposed to balance changes and changing Super Counter again. Demanding Rollback will be better for the longevity of the game.
Let's get something straight. Super Counters pre-"nerf" were a skill-less input that could be spammed in order to get out of a combo for free. This was a massive problem and led to vanish wars after every. single. engagement. Not only did it punish aggressive players, it always gave passive players or players with more ki an advantage, especially if the aggro player had to use ki in order to reach the other player. It made combos and rush combos impossible and "speed type" characters had to pray their opponent didn't know the input. As a mostly offline player who plays with friends, 90% of my games were spent in vanish battles because of Super Counters alone. I dropped the game until they fixed them as before it was way too repetitive and no one I played with was having fun.
We also shouldn't muddy the waters to save face. The timing and input for Super Counters never changed. Every time anyone mentions the Super Counter nerf they fail to mention why it's "harder" to pull off now. To answer it simply, the majority of players were spamming the input, basically guaranteed to get out of a combo. This was never the intention for the Super Counter and we need to stop pretending it was. Combos are a part of every fighting game and in the vast majority you can't simply tell your opponent "no" at will.
The Super Counter nerf does NOT need to reversed. Instead, we need to demand roll back. There's no reason SparkingZero does not have it. FighterZ has it, another Bandai Namco fighter, and yet a game that has come out years after does not. Latency and lag are very real issues as to why many people cannot pull off super counters online. They are harder to pull off online because the timing changes based on connection, and that's the part that needs to be acknowledged. We shouldn't demand balance changes in order to make up for latency or lag, we need to demand Rollback. It's 2025. There's no reason not to have it. So please, whenever someone asks or brings up the Super Counter nerf, please move the conversation to lag and latency and the need for rollback, not the need to reverse the change.