Apparently Chris Thorndyke was made to relate to Japanese school kids whose parents had to work all the time....yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah-

-THAT...did not come across to any audience, in Japan nor the States. Not to invalidate Chris feeling bad that his parents weren't around, but unlike your average Salary worker that actually DOES have to work a lot in order to maintain financial stability, Chris's parents are both freaking rich as hell, and their careers should logically have given them flex time.

Not to mention the subtle unspoken toxicity of the message in "Its okay that your parents aren't around as much, because them working all the time allows you to live in luxury!" when for many a child that is no where near the case.

I plan on doing an ep of my vlog around the subject tomorrow, but just wanted to put some preliminary thoughts about it here as well as open up discussion around it.