"Sonic Frontiers is the blueprint to the best Sonic Game Ever"!!!!

I actually have heard this many times some people saying it to compliment and some to negate it as a bad game that could have been much better with maybe the next game .

Me personally it's my favorite sonic game ever I really like it. However, I wonder is it possibly a blueprint to being the best due to the obsession with "Open World in gaming" or is their other reasons that it could be considered that. .

I'm asking cuz throughout many many franchises it's always as if having an OpenWorld seems to be a huge scapegoat to what many players want. Rather it's an Anime Franchise Game, Story Game, Shooting Game, I heard many MortalKombat players before want an open world mk game.

I'm asking cuz i also see some comments before mention the game would be better without 2D in general. For my thoughts I think there's too much obsession with Open World and as much as I love Sonic Frontiers I think the 2D parts really helped with my love for the game and combining both was an amazing idea.